sunnuntai 1. marraskuuta 2009

Morjesta kaikki toverit, ystävät, kaverit, sukulaiset, kamelit, boomarit, möffelit ja muut tyypit, jotka eivät kuulu em. ryhmiin. Toivottavasti koto-Suomi on edelleen pystyssä ja kaikilla on kaikki hyvin, yms yms... On ikävä ja silleen ja nähdään sitten kun nähdään. Nyt jatkuu jorinointi maailman tältä laidalta...

It´s November already

Time sure flies and the past two months have really gone by quickly. Well when your having fun time goes more quckly, ayeh? Basicly my time goes to large variety of activities. I study Japanese each day for some 3h and rest of the time I hang around, travel around Tokyo or near by areas, do sports (dance at Smooth Steppers), drink&party, hang around some more and spend time with my girl friend (yes, I got one a while ago :).

Last week end there was ICU festivals. Our universitys own festival where all different clubs and groups had their own food booths, cafes and most importantly shows. Smooth Steppers, The latin dance group (carnival group?) and Japanese drumming group were all absolutely marvelous. Good weather, tasty food and spectacular performances made last week end absolutely enjoyable. Also Clubbing at Velours (really nice club just three train rides away) was
Our Strike team to Velours Yeah, beat those drums!
Maki, Z, Shoin, Eiji

A while ago we wont to Kawakoen to see local party format called Matsuuri. Basicly there are Matsuuris all over Japan and they are huge events. I don´t know if its always the same format, but the one we went to had these portable shrines that rolled around the city pulled by dozens of people. Then they stopped to "battle" against fixed shrines. It pretty weird procedure and one should experience it before one can truly understand it.

More stuff coming shortly... this time for real :D

See u @ facebook,